This is a great idea. I will use it often.
Anthony said...
Holy smoke we ran across this yesterday around lunchtime. woot.
3/22/2007 12:53 PM
"Rugged Swag"
Well, apparently chain wallets are cool after all. And Nordstrom is selling the chain, by itself, for $125. If they will admit that rolling up the cuffs of your pants is cool, then I will finally be back in style. I knew they'd figure out what's really cool eventually. Of course, in 2 years, they'll say that bell bottoms are cool or go through some other nonsensical retro backlash. This is why I don't pay attention to style. And also because they have tried to say that oversize sunglasses, acid wash jeans, and anorexia are cool - I have to disagree. The big glasses remind me of insect eyes, the jeans look like you spend a lot of time sliding around on your ass (makes me think of dogs butt-scooting around on the carpet), and the anorexia implies heinous body-image/masochism issues, which turn me off. I actually do kind of appreciate my jeans even after I tear em, but it's like a scar: it's cool because of the history and the story behind it. Pre-torn jeans are, to me, the equivalent of people just cutting themselves on purpose to get cool looking scars. ... That's a very extreme example, but not too far from the truth. The same people that focus on "cool" torn jeans and all that style bullshit are the people that cut themselves to get fake tits implanted and faces lifted and fat sucked out. Sick culture. You can keep it. Either way, I get a little kick when style does start coming around my territory. It's nice to see "rugged swag" A.K.A chains coming to Nordstrom, heh.
ilya said...
I don't know, Evans, i think you're a little extreme. i can see the positive aspects of anorexia, for example, in that people who suffer from it require less material for their clothing and making people in sweatshops of Bangladesh work fewer hours. Isn't that how it works? Therefore, we can think of the cultural glorification of anorexia as having a humanitarian aspect to it.
2/26/2007 1:24 PM
Andrea said...
In response to Ilya's comment -- why would working less hours in the sweatshop due to anorexic clothing be more humanitarian? the people in the sweatshops need to work more hours so that they have enough money to feed their family. If size clothing is more humanitarian.
2/27/2007 9:46 AM
Evans Tucker said...
You guys are hilarious...I think we should handle humans like deer: go find areas where they're starving and then kill a bunch of 'em "so they don't get overpopulated and starve". "It's for their own good."If they put air conditioning in the sweatshop, would it become just a shop?
2/27/2007 10:04 AM
ilya said...
I don't know, Evans, i think you're a little extreme. i can see the positive aspects of anorexia, for example, in that people who suffer from it require less material for their clothing and making people in sweatshops of Bangladesh work fewer hours. Isn't that how it works? Therefore, we can think of the cultural glorification of anorexia as having a humanitarian aspect to it.
2/26/2007 1:24 PM
Andrea said...
In response to Ilya's comment -- why would working less hours in the sweatshop due to anorexic clothing be more humanitarian? the people in the sweatshops need to work more hours so that they have enough money to feed their family. If size clothing is more humanitarian.
2/27/2007 9:46 AM
Evans Tucker said...
You guys are hilarious...I think we should handle humans like deer: go find areas where they're starving and then kill a bunch of 'em "so they don't get overpopulated and starve". "It's for their own good."If they put air conditioning in the sweatshop, would it become just a shop?
2/27/2007 10:04 AM
Heads or tails...
Hah! I guess the answer to this question tells you what kind of man (or woman) you are.

Andrea said...
so what kind of man are you then??
2/22/2007 11:13 AM
Evans Tucker said...
Well, "FWAP FWAP" is a pretty big turn off...I'd have to go with a regular mermaid."Look over there!! Is that a motorboat?!" Hehehe...
2/22/2007 11:51 AM
Anthony said...
man, this is super wierd. Is it me or does that mermaid look like anime? That may explain a lot.
2/23/2007 4:23 PM
so what kind of man are you then??
2/22/2007 11:13 AM
Evans Tucker said...
Well, "FWAP FWAP" is a pretty big turn off...I'd have to go with a regular mermaid."Look over there!! Is that a motorboat?!" Hehehe...
2/22/2007 11:51 AM
Anthony said...
man, this is super wierd. Is it me or does that mermaid look like anime? That may explain a lot.
2/23/2007 4:23 PM
Video Love
I've found a lot of videos recently that just make me happy. They are good. They are GREAT! There are here: Terp 2 it - The Advice Anthem (See more stuff by Chris Trew here, he's hilarious) Cox + Combes - Washington Beardyman - Kitchen Diaries (more Beardyman) Paul Robertson - Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 I'd like to give credit where credit is due. All of these other than Beardyman were played at the always awesome Alamo Drafthouse on either Open Screen Night or Spike and Mike's Sick and Twisted Film Festival. The Alamo Drafthouse is my favorite thing about Austin. This city has a lot of amazing stuff going on, but nothing tops the Drafthouse.
Valentine's Day / Andrea Bought a House!
I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day. Mine was great! Andrea made me some "cowboy pasta" - it's some Rachel Ray recipe. That bitch is annoying, but she can cook - Rachel Ray I mean - Andrea is not annoying and she can also cook. Anyway, it was a very good meal, and a very nice evening... I had fun making a card for Andrea. I've never made anyone a card before. I was kind of dreading going to Randall's to get a stupid-ass Hallmark card or something, and then Mark sent me a link to the Valentine's Day junk on Hilarious. I printed out a card, sketched some random things, and wrote a nice message. I was so proud of myself... Did I mention that Andrea is painting a freaking painting of me? I love this girl so much. She's painting me a painting... of me... !!!!! It's this silly idea I had in my head that I told her about and she just decided do it! Ha! I didn't think it'd ever be anything other than an idea. Anyway, on to the big news: she's buying a house! My woman is a homeowner! I'm a little jealous - it's a very nice, brand new house. It's 1800 sq/ft, 3 bed, 2.5 bath, backs up to a greenbelt, etc. Check out this video that her brother made. I'm very excited for her! She's moving in this Friday. ... I don't really know what more to say about it. Big news. Awesome!
The San Francisco treat. My girlfriend Andrea (or, as I like to call her, "SweetieTron 2000") and I went to San Francisco like... a couple weeks ago or something. I haven't written about it because, you know, like... whatever. ... OK, that's my best attempt to emulate a Californian. I'll stop now, because San Francisco was nothing like I was expecting. I met no one who acted like this. Also, my idea of California being "72 degrees all the time" was shattered. I had to go to Macy's to by a new coat because I hadn't packed for cold, wet weather. In fact, the only stereotype the held true was that San Francisco has a large gay population. They have gay in spades. The city reminded me a lot of New York City, particularly because there were so many parallels: Union Squares, ethnic provinces (Chinatown, Little Italy, etc.), big city parks, excellent public transportation (buses, subways, etc.) In fact, I would say that if you dropped me in San Francisco or New York and didn't tell me which one, the only way I would be able to tell would be because SF isn't flat, and it has weird electric buses that have arms reaching up to power cables that are all over all the roads. Also, San Francisco's Golden Gate Park is far superior to lame ol' Central Park in New York. The Dutch Windmill was awesome. The trees were awesome. It's a very pretty area in general. The suburbs (about 20 minutes from the center of town) are more like the image I had of California with the beach, the town homes, and the steep ass-and-leg-mutilating hills. There was no reason for this trip other than just to travel. It was very nice to just go somewhere with ST2000. I'm glad that I got to meet some of her friends too. They were very friendly, entertaining people. I'm slowly getting to know this mysterious California girl that I'm dating, hehe. I'm excited about future travel abroad with my broad. I'll post pictures of this trip soon.
Andrea said...
babooon head...that trip was pretty miserable what with the tonsilities and back injuries...but it was nice to have a vacation with yous. :)
2/07/2007 2:05 PM
Anthony said...
'sweetietron 2000?' dude.
2/13/2007 8:41 AM
Evans Tucker said...
You're just jealous cuz you didn't come up with it first.
2/13/2007 8:50 AM
Andrea said...
babooon head...that trip was pretty miserable what with the tonsilities and back injuries...but it was nice to have a vacation with yous. :)
2/07/2007 2:05 PM
Anthony said...
'sweetietron 2000?' dude.
2/13/2007 8:41 AM
Evans Tucker said...
You're just jealous cuz you didn't come up with it first.
2/13/2007 8:50 AM
Civic Crime Scene
I put up some photos on my Flickr account. Some beast chose my car out of a whole parking lot full of nicer cars to prey on. I'm sure they chose mine because they could see exactly what they were getting and they guessed (correctly) that this sweet ride didn't have an alarm. They stole one of my amps and my subwoofer and broke two windows. I can't figure out why they broke the rear window, since you can't open the trunk from the inside and they obviously didn't pull the sub out through the hole in the glass. But since they did, my car stinks. All the exhaust fumes just get sucked right in the [lack of a] back window. I'm starting to develop a tolerance to them now though; I barely notice it anymore. So... I had the cops come out and take fingerprints. They've got detectives working in shifts down at the lab. Hahaha. Not. They have one big beastly fingerprint that's not mine and I gave them the make, model, and serial numbers for the amp that was stolen. I've been getting victimized a lot lately. Crime pays apparently. Listen up, kids. Fuck school. Get a gun or some stereo removal skillz and go make some money! Woooo!
Andrea said...
poor civic :(
2/08/2007 4:11 PM
Anthony said...
holy smokes that sucks!
2/13/2007 8:40 AM
Maria Luisa Tucker said...
whoa. sorry to hear your civic was violated. that really sucks a lot.
2/18/2007 11:16 PM
Otis said...
You should install huge ass spikes that come up through the floor and impale people when they put pressure on your vehicle without having first unlocked it. That would be badass. Guy's still stuck there, brain oozing out of his ear...guess you shouldn't have screwed with Evans the Impaler and his royal Civic!
3/07/2007 4:48 PM
Evans Tucker said...
You know, I've had vague thoughts of some kind of vigilante security system. My ideas were more along the lines of like... a tazer in the seat that triggers if you don't hit a secret switch first followed by some form of paging/notification so I can go out, hog-tie the criminal, and then call the police.But spikes are good too. :)I'm dropping off the Civic at Spillar Custom Hitches today to get a custom hitch/rear bumper and a custom big-ass grill guard put on it. One step closer to being a truck.
3/08/2007 8:40 AM
Andrea said...
poor civic :(
2/08/2007 4:11 PM
Anthony said...
holy smokes that sucks!
2/13/2007 8:40 AM
Maria Luisa Tucker said...
whoa. sorry to hear your civic was violated. that really sucks a lot.
2/18/2007 11:16 PM
Otis said...
You should install huge ass spikes that come up through the floor and impale people when they put pressure on your vehicle without having first unlocked it. That would be badass. Guy's still stuck there, brain oozing out of his ear...guess you shouldn't have screwed with Evans the Impaler and his royal Civic!
3/07/2007 4:48 PM
Evans Tucker said...
You know, I've had vague thoughts of some kind of vigilante security system. My ideas were more along the lines of like... a tazer in the seat that triggers if you don't hit a secret switch first followed by some form of paging/notification so I can go out, hog-tie the criminal, and then call the police.But spikes are good too. :)I'm dropping off the Civic at Spillar Custom Hitches today to get a custom hitch/rear bumper and a custom big-ass grill guard put on it. One step closer to being a truck.
3/08/2007 8:40 AM
Sometimes when I'm cutting my fingernails or toenails I accidentally drop a nail clipping on the ground. When that happens, I like to think of it as a tiny makibishi, but then I realize that my enemies never enter my bathroom or bedroom. They are out in the world, not in my home. Then I realize that I'm just kidding myself altogether - I don't have any enemies. So then I squat down and try to find the damn nail, cuz I don't wanna step on it later.
Andrea said...
you're a freakshow
2/02/2007 12:12 PM
Anthony said...
For real.
2/05/2007 11:45 AM
Charles said...
i've been telling people my entire english-speaking life - the most ingenious thoughts come to you in the bathroom.
2/05/2007 2:09 PM
ilya said...
that should've been ilya posting, but i'm at work and people are signed on. So Charles=ilya, ilya=Charles.
2/05/2007 2:10 PM
Andrea said...
you're a freakshow
2/02/2007 12:12 PM
Anthony said...
For real.
2/05/2007 11:45 AM
Charles said...
i've been telling people my entire english-speaking life - the most ingenious thoughts come to you in the bathroom.
2/05/2007 2:09 PM
ilya said...
that should've been ilya posting, but i'm at work and people are signed on. So Charles=ilya, ilya=Charles.
2/05/2007 2:10 PM
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