
In addition to rashes in fun places, I've recently developed some of these as well. More commonly known as "skin tags". Three of them on my neck. They're a real pain in the ass - er... a pain in the neck - when you're trying to shave. Coincidentally, they might be caused by irritating the skin (for example, by running a razor over my skin on a weekly basis.) It was just one and now two more have appeared. I'm thinking home surgery might be the solution. Dry ice and forceps?

Ignoring them is another easy, do-it-yourself solution...

Stupid human body.

Poison Ivy

Evans pulled a bunch of vines off of the fence the other day. They turned out to be poison ivy. Evans got poison ivy rashes in various places on his body. What is the worst possible place that he could get a rash? Please leave your answer in the comments.

My woman is AWESOME!

So, Andrea's company rented out a theater at the Alamo Drafthouse for their quarterly company meeting/party. Her company is awesome like that. They had a contest to give away tickets to ACL. Andrea won one by singing her favorite song.

Here's a link to the song. And here's Andrea singing it. And here's her encore, cuz people loved it so much that they made her get up and sing it again!

Andrea, you rule! I love you!