A Boring Day in My Life

Woke up groggy. Didn't get much sleep cuz I stayed up too late last night. Made some oatmeal with almond milk, honey, and flax seeds. Pretty tasty, but it was better the first time I made it a few days ago. Too weak to work out. Did 15 pushups. Normally I do 50, and by "normally" I mean once or twice a week... Andrea got ready and left for work before me.

I went to work. Don't remember the drive. Not a very memorable experience, driving to work. I guess that's forty minutes per day (twenty each way) where I don't really even exist because it's just a re-run. I miss stupid NPR - still don't have a car stereo. Eh, don't really miss them, cuz they're doing annoying pledge drive right now anyway (I know because I listen to it at work or in Andrea's car sometimes.) Work was slow, or rather I was slow. VPN issues have been the bane of my existence the last few days. Yammered about it on our work Yammer site - that wasn't appreciated by the president (or CEO, I can never figure out people's titles.) I feel like I've been stepping on lots of toes lately - I keep saying dumb shit or doing things that disturb other people's interpersonal relationships. Am I an asshole? I think I'm closer to being one than I've ever been in the past. Normally I'm docile and agreeable, right?

Wasn't very focused at work. Got excited thinking about gardening this weekend. I think this is gonna be the big weekend. I'm going to rent a truck and perhaps a tiller and get some dirt and some trees from the Natural Gardener and plant a garden and do some landscaping. "Perhaps." Andrea says I use that word too much. Perhaps I do.

Got home before Andrea. She's been doing this ... ah, ask her what she's been doing. I gotta break this habit of talking about other people's business. She wasn't coming home till later, but... Hmm... Skip this paragraph. The important bit is that I cleaned the bathroom. Got all motivated to clean.

That was interrupted by the movie du jour, "Wanted." Pretty decent movie. Not much back story and over the top action nonsense, but all in all it was entertaining. I could see where it borrowed elements from Fight Club and Office Space... Perhaps it was lacking in originality. Perhaps.

Andrea went to bed early. She always wakes up before me, leaves for work before me, comes home after me, and goes to bed before me.

I'm in a bad mood. I have a habit of doing chores when I'm in a bad mood. Don't know how that habit got started, but hey, at least the house gets cleaned. I've been doing laundry, dishes, and general cleanup and organization for the last three hours.

Got on the Internet to ease the brains away from stressors and onto irrelevant entertainment. That kinda worked. Typing a dull, fragmented blog helped. I'm about ready for bed now.

Dunno how long it took you to read this, but those are seconds you will never get back, my friends. I'm a time murderer... with a tiny little knife, ripping away seconds or minutes from your most valuable resource, your life.

I have no regrets... but I do have a ton of clean laundry and dishes! Tomorrow will be better.

1 comment:

  1. I read fast, so you wasted very little of my precious moments!
