
Imagine, you will, the end of the world if it were caused by some sort of Pupocalypse. In what way could puppies possibly cause an end to everything?

I dunno, but I recently got Andrea to get this show called Metalocalypse for me on her Netflix because I discovered this hilarious band called Dethklok that has hardcore metal songs about normal things like donuts and income tax. They're actually quite talented as musicians, but they choose to sing about simple, everyday things, which makes me laugh my ass off (or "lmao" for all you people that can no longer read non-acronyms). This show is apparently their genesis - they started as an animated metal band on a show that plays on Adult Swim. I love Adult Swim. Anyway, back on topic:

Pupocalyse. I was thinking about this show recently at lunch this week. The last few lunch breaks I've had were spent at home with the puppy because Andrea was out of town on business. I had to go home to let him out so he doesn't pee in his crate. I was playing with him while thinking about the show and I came up with this word, which I absolutely could not pronounce correctly for about 5 minutes. I finally got it. Try to say it. "Pupocalypse". Kinda hard huh? You accidentally say "pucopalypse" or "pupcocalypse" or whatever. Anyway, we decided on a new name for him yet again. Earlier I had said that we named him "Onyx" - that stuck for about one day. Since "Pupocalypse" sounds vaguely Greek to me and he's already really named "Suge" (pronounced incorrectly as "shug" like "sugar"), Andrea and I decided that his new name is Sugemitri Pupocalypse... or Suge for short.

...Maybe it would be like the Black Death, but instead of being spread by fleas, it would be spread by puppies. A horrible, epidemic disease with no cure. Perhaps spread via their "kisses" [licking]. It would be some kinda disease that only existed in the mouths of puppies - something that would go dormant as the puppy aged and turned into a dog. Something that a dog immune system could fight off over a year or so, but that was unstoppable to the human immune system. Yeah.



  1. I had no problems pronouncing pupocalypse on the first try. :D We should totally make it into a disaster movie though.

  2. So, I think Pupocalypse would be much better than Metalocalypse. I mean, it would have to be, right?

  3. So basically, you're predicting that Parvo makes the jump from dogs to humans?
