
Imagine, you will, the end of the world if it were caused by some sort of Pupocalypse. In what way could puppies possibly cause an end to everything?

I dunno, but I recently got Andrea to get this show called Metalocalypse for me on her Netflix because I discovered this hilarious band called Dethklok that has hardcore metal songs about normal things like donuts and income tax. They're actually quite talented as musicians, but they choose to sing about simple, everyday things, which makes me laugh my ass off (or "lmao" for all you people that can no longer read non-acronyms). This show is apparently their genesis - they started as an animated metal band on a show that plays on Adult Swim. I love Adult Swim. Anyway, back on topic:

Pupocalyse. I was thinking about this show recently at lunch this week. The last few lunch breaks I've had were spent at home with the puppy because Andrea was out of town on business. I had to go home to let him out so he doesn't pee in his crate. I was playing with him while thinking about the show and I came up with this word, which I absolutely could not pronounce correctly for about 5 minutes. I finally got it. Try to say it. "Pupocalypse". Kinda hard huh? You accidentally say "pucopalypse" or "pupcocalypse" or whatever. Anyway, we decided on a new name for him yet again. Earlier I had said that we named him "Onyx" - that stuck for about one day. Since "Pupocalypse" sounds vaguely Greek to me and he's already really named "Suge" (pronounced incorrectly as "shug" like "sugar"), Andrea and I decided that his new name is Sugemitri Pupocalypse... or Suge for short.

...Maybe it would be like the Black Death, but instead of being spread by fleas, it would be spread by puppies. A horrible, epidemic disease with no cure. Perhaps spread via their "kisses" [licking]. It would be some kinda disease that only existed in the mouths of puppies - something that would go dormant as the puppy aged and turned into a dog. Something that a dog immune system could fight off over a year or so, but that was unstoppable to the human immune system. Yeah.


Black-eyed Bacon and Cheese Soup

Best. Dinner. Ever.


* 2 pieces of peppered bacon
* 1 can of black-eyed peas
* 2 dashes of cayenne pepper
* 2 slices jalapeño Monterey Jack cheese


1. Get a little pot.
2. Stick it on a burner on the stove.
3. Crank it to 11.
4. Dump the black-eyed peas in (do not drain the sauce).
5. Chop up and add the bacon.
6. Add the cayenne pepper.
7. Bring it to a frothing, ass-kicking boil, stirring occasionally.
8. Reduce heat, cover, and let simmer for 10 to 12.333 (repeating of course) minutes.
9. Pour that slop in a big mug.
10. Rip up the cheese into little bits and add it to the mug. Save two shreds of cheese.
11. Eat the pieces of cheese while stirring the soup.
12. When the cheese is thoroughly melted, begin eating it slowly. Caution: it's hot! Don't burn your tongue!

Rock on.

Linking to File Shares in Outlook

You would think that as a Network Administrator I would have figure this out a long time ago... I've just finally discovered how to send links to network files in Outlook so that my users can click on them and get the file without having to physically cut and paste the path into Explorer. Well, to be more accurate, I figure out a faster way. Let me define the problem:

Lets say that we have a file located here:

\\fileserver\IT\Directory with spaces in the name\Outlook is sucks.pdf

I used to just send that in the e-mail and it would look like this and the link wouldn't work:

\\fileserver\IT\Directory with spaces in the name\Outlook is sucks.pdf

So I figured out that you can use the "file://" URI, reverse all the slashes, and replace spaces with "%20" (HTML style) to make the link work:


That's a huge pain in the ass though, obviously, and it's prone to typoes. So, I just did some more research and experimentation and discovered this wonderful solution:

<\\fileserver\IT\Directory with spaces in the name\Outlook is sucks.pdf>

Just put pointy brackets around it!

Our Hairy Black Son

You can see pictures of him on my Flickr site. The link is on the upper right.

Crackpot Theory

I got sick again last Saturday right after I spent all morning cleaning out the garage. It was the same thing I always get: sinus pain and a fever. I thought removing my tonsils would solve this issue, because I used to always get really bad tonsillitus as well. It didn't. I suspect I have Cedar Fever - a histamine reaction basically.

On Tuesday I was still home sick, and the puppy escaped. I had been letting him out to do his puppy business unsupervised. I had checked the fence earlier for holes, not thoroughly apparently. When he didn't come back in after a few minutes, I went out to check on him. He was gone. I thought, "maybe he came back in when I wasn't looking?" So, I checked the house - gone. I went back outside and started calling him and I hear some rustling on the other side of the fence! I got a step stool and put it up against the fence and I saw him! I got some Beggin' Strips and tried to lure him back to no avail. So, I bit the bullet and decided to just hop the fence barefoot. I didn't want to let him out of my sight while I went to put on some shoes... Bad idea. Right after I got over the fence I stepped ankle-deep into a massive ant pile. I saw my foot covered with ants and brushed most of them off. The I went throught some thick brambles after that and he finally decided to come to me. So, I picked him up and walked back through the massive ant pile (there wasn't really a way around it.) With more ants chewing on my foot, I climbed the fence and dropped the puppy over the other side. I brushed the ants off again and climbed over. And shortly afterwards... I was fine! My allergies were gone. My throat stopped tingling. My fever went away. Amazing! I suspect that my body had some better stuff to throw a histamine fit over - the ant bites - and so it forgot about my sinuses! Crack theory? Yeah. Gonna stick my foot in an ant pile again next time I get sick? Hell yeah! Hehehe.


I was just mashing random letters to put in a field in a web form and out came "iogreuihwergbi". Most of the time it's stuff like:


You know, garbage. But that time it actually came out looking vaguely like a real word of some sort. I like it. I should use it somewhere... for something...
