Andrea stayed up till midnight last night so she could see me physically change from being a 20-something to a 30-year-old. It was like that scene in Indiana Jones where the dude drinks from the wrong Jesus-cup.

Pretty rad.


  1. That same thing happened to Jeremy!!! He seems to have suffered no lasting ill effects, though, so you should be fine. Happy Birthday and sorry I had to be lame tonight. I promise after the bar I will retroactively come to something you host with a cake and it will therefore count for your birthday!

  2. I'll send you a big box of Viagra. I wish Viagra started with a "b". Big Box of Biagra. Alliteration at its immature best. Happy birthday!

  3. OMG. That is priceless. I'm tellin' you, it was a milk-through-the-nose laugh!

    I can't believe you're 30, ya old tucker.
