Site Updates

I was just discussing the merits of RSS with Jessica and she pointed out that if everyone uses RSS, they won't ever know when you update the look of your site - they only see the main content of the site.

So, BTWOMG! I updated my site's look. It's still ugly, but in a simple, pleasing sort of way, like a butterface who's facing the other direction.


  1. I am learning what so many new words mean lately, first "bunt" and now "butterface"!

    I like the grey. Of course, this is the last time I'll ever see it, now that you convinced me to use RSS:)

  2. But you can always click "Show Original Item" link in most RSS feeds.

  3. What RSS reader do you use?

  4. I found out what a butterface was when I had a slutty college roommate that was definitely one (obviously not someone I was friends with, lol). Actually it was kinda sad to hear people talk about her behind her back. About her backside.

    Site looks good!
