This morning we biked to Arbor Lodge Park, and the kids played in the sand pit. This weird Portland heat wave was too much to handle though, so we decided to find a shadier park. Andrea hadn't been to Pier Park before, so I suggested that we go there - it's really shady due to all the huge trees. It was kind of a brutal ride there, hauling 70 lbs. of meat in the bike trailer for 5 miles in the 90-something degree heat. Pier Park was definitely worth it though. The playground isn't amazing, but the tall trees and sunlit meadows contrast perfectly, creating a beautiful scene.
We crammed some snacks in the boys, turned them loose on the park, then I instigated an minor skirmish against the Resistance in a game I've been playing called Ingress. I attacked fiercely, but ultimately ineffectively... After that we ate at Burgerville, and started the long trek back home. The kids fell asleep in the bike trailer - their little helmeted heads clunking sweetly together as they both passed out from a combination of heat and exhaustion. We put them down for a proper nap when we got home.
The next stop was the Peninsula Park splash pad. There's really not much else to do in this heat. The final stop was home, where we had an easy dinner of leftovers, bathed the children, and watched My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic until our faces went numb. Corbin is a bronie.
Perhaps I'll stay up late enough to see some fireworks. Or, more likely, I'll go to sleep early and get woken up repeatedly by the sound of fireworks...
Go 'murika and stuff.